Session 1: An Overview of Python
- What is python?
- An overview of Python
- What is python?
- Python Timeline
- Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
- Getting help with pydoc
Session 2: The Python Environment
- Starting Python
- Using the interpreter
- Running a Python script
- Python scripts on Unix/Windows
- Editors and IDEs
Session 3: Getting Started
- Using variables
- Builtin functions
- Strings
- Numbers
- Converting among types
- Writing to the screen
- Command line parameters
Session 4: Flow Control
- About flow control
- White space
- Conditional expressions
- Relational and Boolean operators
- While loops
- Alternate loop exits
Session 5: Sequences
- About sequences
- Lists and list methods
- Tuples
- Indexing and slicing
- Iterating through a sequence
- Sequence functions, keywords, and operators
- List comprehensions
- Generator Expressions
- Nested sequences
Session 6: Working with files
- File overview
- Opening a text file
- Reading a text file
- Writing to a text file
- Reading and writing raw (binary) data
- Converting binary data with struct
Session 7: Dictionaries and Sets
- About dictionaries
- Creating dictionaries
- Iterating through a dictionary
- About sets
- Creating sets
- Working with sets
Session 8: Functions
- Defining functions
- Parameters
- Global and local scope
- Nested functions
- Returning values
Session 9: Sorting
- The sorted() function
- Alternate keys
- Lambda functions
- Sorting collections
- Using operator.itemgetter()
- Reverse sorting
Session 10: Errors and Exception Handling
- Syntax errors
- Exceptions
- Using try/catch/else/finally
- Handling multiple exceptions
- Ignoring exceptions
Session 11: Modules and Packages
- The import statement
- Module search path
- Creating Modules
- Using packages
- Function and Module aliases
Session 12: Classes
- About o-o programming
- Defining classes
- Constructors
- Methods
- Instance data
- Properties
- Class methods and data
Session 13: Regular Expressions
- RE syntax overview
- RE Objects
- Searching and matching
- Compilation flags
- Groups and special groups
- Replacing text
- Splitting strings
Session 14: The standard library
- The sys module
- Launching external programs
- Math functions
- Random numbers
- The string module
- Reading CSV data
Session 15: Dates and times
- Working with dates and times
- Translating timestamps
- Parsing dates from text
- Formatting dates
- Calendar data
Session 16: Working with the file system
- Paths, directories, and filenames
- Checking for existence
- Permissions and other file attributes
- Walking directory trees
- Creating filters with fileinput
- Using shutil for file operations
Session 17: Network services
- Grabbing web content
- Sending email
Session 18: RESTful Services
- REST Overview
- Essential RESTful services with Flask
- Consuming RESTful services
- Overview of Reactive Programming with RxPY
Session 19: Programmatic SSH
- SSH, SCP and SFTP Overview
- Essential Paramiko
- Maintaining multiple clients
Session 20: DevOps and GitPython
- DevOps Overview
- Git Overview
- Programmatic Git with GitPython