Focal Point - Network Forensics and Investigation
New - Learn how to differentiate between normal and abnormal network traffic, track the flow of packets through a network, and attribute conversations and actions taken over a network segment to specific hosts or users.
The preponderance of network traffic, particularly web traffic, was an expected outcome of the pivotal role that the Internet has come to play in our daily lives. The sheer volume of traffic and complexity of protocols creates a very diverse and everchanging landscape within which the network analyst must navigate.
Network Forensics and Investigation teaches attendees to differentiate between normal and abnormal network traffic, track the flow of packets through a network, and attribute conversations and actions taken over a network segment to specific hosts or users. This course focuses on research, filtering, and comparative analysis to identify and attribute the different types of activity on a network. Students will learn how to follow conversations across a wide range of protocols and through redirection and how to develop custom filters for non-dissected protocols. On Day 5 of the course, you will participate in a team-based capture-the-flag exercise to test your new skills.