Change Management for Project Managers
Learn how to manage your projects more effectively by incorporating organizational change initiatives.
Today's organizations must integrate and align people, processes, structures, culture, and strategy in order to successfully transition individuals and groups from a current state to a desired future state, such that the desired outcomes and business objectives are achieved. Unfortunately, many project managers still view their primary responsibility as managing specific business functions (resources, time, scope, budgets, etc.) and have a difficult time understanding and properly integrating organizational change management activities through successful strategic execution.
This course focuses on change management in the areas of standardized portfolio, program, and project management practices. All key concepts necessary to manage strategic and tactical changes are covered through a mix of inspiring lectures and exercises.
Project Managers are charged with the additional responsibility for making change happen in and through the different levels of strategic execution.
Learn more about this topic. View the recorded webinar Remote Business - 5 Ms to Success.
Global Knowledge Delivered Course
Training Exclusives