Business Analysis Essentials
Learn how to fill the role of the business analyst.
This boot camp-style course will help you to gain the foundational skills to perform the role of a business analyst (BA) in both waterfall and agile environments. You will learn how to plan business analysis activities; as well as the basics of eliciting, analyzing, modeling, and writing requirements. Learn how to verify and validate product requirements, gain approval, and manage the requirements through the life cycle of the project. Understand the BA role in the design, development, and testing phases of a project. Gain new perspectives through hands-on, interactive group activities led by subject matter experts. Enhance your experience through videos, discussions, and reflections. Get tools, templates, and samples to continue your learning and practice after class.
This course is aligned to the requirements management and business analysis principles outlined by the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®) and Project Management Institute (PMI)®.
Students pursuing a university-recognized and/or accredited certificate in Canada or continuing education units in the US must attend at least 90 percent of class time, participate in class exercises and section-knowledge checks, and score at least 70 percent on an end-of-class, multiple-choice assessment.
PMI is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
Learn more about this topic. View the recorded webinar Business Analysis in 30 Minutes
Global Knowledge Delivered Course
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